We aim to reduce waste wherever we can, be it packaging, energy or handling.

For a small tailor workshop this means to accumulate orders and create to order, about once every three months. In total, we produce around 500 Dogi per year, as we do not wish to compromise on quality, this marks a natural ceiling to our manufacturing approach and omits machine or factory production!


Though we keep a small stock in every size, it can be, that we run out of a size occasionally, due to our handmade production.

We would like you to get in touch with us so we can understand how to best assist you before deciding to get your own Sedai-Dō. Yes, this omits a direct website checkout, but ensures that you receive the right Dogi and assistance you deserve, at any time.

Write us an email at with your size preference and any other detail and we get in touch with you to make sure you get your desired Dogi in exactly the time it needs to arrive at your door!


How to get a Sedai-Dō Dogi